I read my first ebook three years ago. The county library had just set up a new website. The only thing I had to do was download the software, and then the book of my choice, it opens and voila. Instant reading. Instant escape from the outside world into another.
For me, this opened up an entire new way to connect with books. I didn't have to get in my car and drive to a library, only to wander up and down aisle after aisle. I didn't have to lug my stack of books to checkout and juggle them as I wait in line, only to waddle out the door to dump them into the front seat of my car to drive back home.
I can download books anytime, day or night. I can browse through books from any subject with just a flew clicks. I have dowloaded and read hundreds of books. But I still love the feel of paper beneath my fingers. Sometimes I like to take the time to wander the asiles and let the cover art and titles catch my eyes. No matter the new innovations that keep popping up, the classics are still the classics, and can still be read as they were originally intended.
I love love ebooks! I have so many of them and not enough time to read them all. I have many loaded on my iPhone just in case I ever want to read them, though many of them Teen Fiction. But I have trouble reading them during the school year because if I don't have their physical presence in my bag, I forget about them and don't ever access them!